The DSE, SILC Roles and Responsibilities, and the Regulations: Part 2 (1.5 Hours)

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About the Training

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act changed the role of the Designated State Entity and some of the roles of the SILC as well.

You will learn the SILC’s role and how it’s organized, how the roles of the SILC and DSE intersect, the role of the CILs, and the importance of SILC autonomy and the Independent Living philosophy. This training includes content for both SILCs and DSEs.

The DSE, SILC Roles and Responsibilities, and the Regulations: Part 1

Target Audience

DSE administrators and staff, as well as SILC Chairs, Executive Directors, staff, and Council members.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants will have knowledge and resources that will enable them to understand:

  • How the SILC is organized;
  • The roles of the SILC and SILC autonomy
  • How SILC and DSE roles intersect; and
  • A little more about the history and philosophy of IL and how it impacts these roles and the regulations.

View the Training (01:41:19)

Transcript and Resources

Other Training and Resources on SILC Roles and Responsibilities